For all flights, we recommend wearing good running shoes (sneakers or mountain boots), pants, windbreaker and sunglasses (depending on weather conditions).
Weather samoens paragliding
2 Ski Fly reserves the right to cancel, postpone or delay flights,...
For all flights, we recommend wearing good running shoes (sneakers or mountain boots), pants, windbreaker and sunglasses (depending on weather conditions).
Weather samoens paragliding
2 Ski Fly reserves the right to cancel, postpone or delay flights, depending on current weather conditions, for safety reasons.
Preconceived ideas: THE VERTIGE! Paragliding doesn't make you feel dizzy, so don't worry!
Video souvenirs : It's possible to take home a video souvenir. Please let your instructor know before the flight (supplement 20€ if you bring your own media, USB key or Micro SD card. 25€ with 2 SKI FLY supports)